
ya, i know, i suck

well, at least my blogging sucks. i've just... it's been... ick. i've been too ick to post anything. but no, i'm not suicidal (thanks for asking, melissa!) and i won't ever be:D work's been really crappy and i've been busily working away at house stuff (i'm really re-thinking the whole becoming a homeowner idea) among other things. and i'm starting to think that weekends are even busier than weekdays (altho they're way more fun cuz i'm not at work).

we heard on sunday that it's been said that cemeteries are some of the riches places in the world, for the pockets of the deceased are full of unwritten stories and poems, unseen plays, unheard songs, unrealized works of art, unfulfilled hopes and dreams, etc.

i want to be a poor dead person but it's one of my biggest fears that i'll be among the rich ones.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

one of my biggest fears is that you'll be dead.