

been awhile eh. well, today is halloween and i didn't carve my pumpkin until today thus it ended up looking lame-o like this:
we had an impromptu long weekend get away to florida with the hamiltons. we had fun hangin out with the gang including this guy:

hightlights also include:
  1. spinning uncontrollably on the buzz light year ride because james was "steering" our cart so we could shoot the targets... barf.
  2. seeing a disney employee with suny brockport (the university at home) on her name tag and asking her how she liked brockport only to have her say, "i'm not from there, i'm from syracuse" and me replying, "well...brockport's...nice...." i know i'm a dork but what the heck was i supposed to say to that? why was it on her name tag then? ergh.
  3. going to mickey's "not so scary halloween party" and collecting over 50lbs of candy for the hamilton clan.
  4. being brave and going on splash mountain (a 52 foot drop at the end!) and not even losing my popcorn (that i had unwisely eaten right before the ride)! no biggie to some of you but for me, it was huge! i get nauseous on normal swings! i'll post the embarrassing photo evidence soon.
  5. watching the best kids show ever, toopy and binoo


Melissa said...

um, hello... how did the black lady in the airport line not make the highlight reel? Also, it's good you're back. And if you think your pumpkin is lame-o, check out mine. :D

Xeryl said...

Um...someone needs to blog more!