
exciting things...

it's been a busy week! here are a few highlights:

  • monday i went to my discipleship class with some ladies from church and we ended up having a really interesting discussion on whether or not salvation can be lost. thoughts anyone?
  • tuesday i went to a stained glass window class and had to work hardcore to catch up from my missed class last week (due to recent travels) but it's REALLY fun. no burns this week, just a few minor cuts.
  • wednesday at work i got a letter addressed to me personally from malawi. (i had to look it up on a map cuz i didn't even know where malawi was!) turns out it was some newsletter type thing from some other organization there... not really to me.
  • thurdsay we got to have dinner at turtle jack's with NAOMI!!! (nome, i'm still full from the appetizers...)
  • friday i went to an all day workshop in toronto about direct mail fundraising for work. i know i'm a dork but it was really fun! kinda like a field trip! i went by all myself and felt so independent! (i even ate lunch by myself for like the first time ever, i think. subway counts right?) the funny thing was that even tho i registered myself, they still had my boss' name printed on the name tag so i had to flip it over and write my name on it. the other funny thing is that my table buddy was an older man named julius who's from the jews for judaism organization that encourages jews to rediscover/strengthen their jewish-ness, like with programs, education, outreach, etc. he's big into re-coverting christian jews back into judaism. (check out the link!) it was very interesting to say the least. i had no idea what to say...
  • tomorrow i'll be painting some more and hopefully moving into our new bedroom so that we can paint the downstairs room! and also doing some last minute thanksgiving grocery shopping.
  • and on sunday... dad, debby, and lisa are coming up to visit and i'm makin turkey! (thankfully they're coming because otherwise we'd have a LOT of turkey to eat!)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

it's lucky you took a vacation or else you'd never relax!