

there's drywall dust EVERYWHERE. my computer desk, the floor, EVERYTHING. every time i touch something, i get white stuff all over me. rocco calls it divorce dust. funny.

the upstairs floor is in. the upstairs sink and toilet are in.

tomorrow the downstairs bathroom toilet and sink get taken out, floor ripped up, and new floor goes back in. hopefully the plumber will be able to come back next week to put the sink and can back in. til then, we'll be using the upstairs ones!

we'll also be priming upstairs tomorrow (hopefully) and painting sometime soon (hopefully) .

i can't even explain how dirty/messy/gross our house is right now. now i'm no neat freak, i'm one to embrace a little disorder, but this is so far beyond that... ergh. i actually can't wait to clean. yes, you can go back and read that again or i could just type it again. I CAN NOT WAIT TO CLEAN! that's how insanely dirty my house is. 'nuf said.


Melissa said...

Isn't it kinda annoying that you have to be responsible for the cleaning part. I miss my Mom on those depressing cleaning days. :D

j said...

um, my mom always made ME clean.