

so according to my ultrasound (no baby in there so don't ask. actually checking for kidney stones is actually the most common ultrasound procedure, not baby checking like everyone assumes) and my x-ray and my bloodwork...i'm (apparently) healthy! no softball size kidney stones waiting to torture me. so that's good news. on another note, i'll be coming down with bronchitis shortly cuz the lady next to me in the waiting room was hacking all over the place...

oh and someone better alert the authorities because i am now a criminal. i stole something. for the first time in my life (that i can think of.) and what gleeful treasure incited this escapade of delinquency?

this. a sticker on the counter at the doctor's office. it was premeditated too. i totally waited til the nurse's back was turned before i swiped it.
but before you get all judgemental...it's sparkly! ...and eeyore's actually smiling! ...and he's playing with bees...
i have no remorse! isn't that the worst kind of criminal? what's wrong with me? now some poor sick child is not gonna get their sticker at the doctor's! i'm horrible!


Melissa said...

it was probably the nurse's own sticker, and now she hates her job.

Xeryl said...

People who premeditate and then don't have remorse usually turn into psychopaths who get the death penalty not in Canada, so you better be careful!!

Are you sure you didn't want that babish sticker because there might be a baby in there too? Are the doctors able to differentiate between kidney stones and baby heads???? Just making sure.

j said...

well, there weren't KIDNEY STONES OR BABY HEADS so i'm not worried.

Xeryl said...

Are you sure? I'd get a second opinion, just in case the doctor couldn't recognize either. There are some quacks out there you know!

Xeryl said...

um...hi...your update's outta date now...