
He's got the whole world...

so my mom called last night to tell me that my nephew is in the hospital and that my brother flew down there. he has pneumonia, had some blood transfusions, and is on a breathing machine. all this on top of the other problems he has every day. they recently up-ped his anti-seizure meds, he's still on heart medication, and is heavily sedated. he's also 3 and 1/2 yrs old. if you're going to pray, please pray that he wouldn't suffer, no matter what the end result may be. he may not be able to run around and play and laugh here on earth, but there is Somewhere else where that IS possible.


ever heard of a hairdresser who didn't know how to cut bangs? well, me neither til tonight. i was getting my hair cut (have i mentioned that i LOVE getting my hair cut?) and this lady came in with her daughter. all she wanted was to have her daughter's bangs cut. and the other guy hairdresser didn't know how.

dude, it's just the same as other hair...


i need answers!

1) why are people of middle eastern, jewish, greek(etc.) heritage referred to as having "olive" complexions? olives are green and black aren't they?

2) the hubby thinks that girls (in general) have a higher "love" for lasagna than guys do. i think he's being randomly sexist. so i'm taking a poll! please comment on the following:

  1. i am male/female
  2. i rate my affection for lasagna as: a) "ew gross!" b) "meh, ok" c) "like it, don't love it" or d) "love it, i'd eat it for breakfast."
  3. additional comments

***i do realize that the results may not be completely accurate as my blog readership is mostly female (or non-existent) but what the heck, we'll see what happens.

the earth is the Lord's...

and all it's fullness, the earth and those that dwell therein...

so at church today we learned that there are 300,000 different species of beetles! and that there are 1.5 million different species of living things. if you lined them all up, every fifth one would be a beetle!

conclusion: God must really like beetles.

ps. happy cadets' sunday;)


ok it's january 28th and it's gorgeous outside! like we're talking slurpee weather! we just got back from a long walk with the dog. (n bought him one of those retractable leashes and two new toys! he must love his puppy dog!)

in other news, i had blood taken today and the bandaid totally ripped off my skin when i took it off! i now have a hot pink welt/blood blister in the shape of a bandaid on my inner elbow. sweet.

oh and this [see below] appeared in my mailbox on thursday. whoohoo! the gifter better get her west coast heineken over here so i don't have to drink "wild drinks" by myself!


the big 2-4

and no, not of beer. of life.

yup, today's my birthday- thanks for all the emails, phone calls, cards (and blogs)!

we went to the mandarin for dinner and my fortune cookie said, "a good friend is your greatest treasure." i guess i have lots of treasures then!


go red knight!

so mom and the bro-ster were up this weekend (and the bob-ster and the bro-ster's "friend"-ster too) to visit for my b-day. we went to medieval times in toronto for some dragon's blood(pepsi), dragon's meat stew(soup) and other goodies. so you eat without any silverware and wear a cardboard crown on your head and get to watch cheezy duels and jousting. good times. good medieval times.


the vicious hunter

my mom gave darcy the cutest stuffed gingerbread squeaky toy for christmas. within 5 hours the squeaker, all the stuffing, it's cute little scarf had been removed and its FACE WAS EATEN OFF! it now looks like this:

i should've taken a 'before' picture...



yup, that's right, it's definitely me dead center doing a hula dance at a luau at disney. yay for having a birthday in january and for having TEN people who made sure they pointed me out.

and then...

and then your dog (who is well over the age of being potty trained) poops and pees on the floor.

and then he barfs in his crate.

and then he sleeps in his barf so that his ear is crusty and you have to bathe him.

and then he soaks you, your hubby, and the bathroom.

and then he rolls around on the floor getting all dirty again.


do you think...

do you think someone could be so emotionally shut down that they want to cry but can't? i do.

do you think someone could be so lazy that they don't want to emote? i am.

do you think someone could have everything and think they're so completely without? i am.

do you think the scariest time of the day is when someone's alone with their own thoughts? i do.

do you think someone can disgust themselves enough to make them physically ill? i do.

do you think someone could be so unloveable that even God doesn't care? i don't.

do you think that someone could know that God does care and still feel like shit? i do.

do you think a phone call from someone who says "i love you" makes all the difference even when you're being an ass? i do.


we're baaaaack!

after two weeks away at my dad's and then with the hamilton's in florida, it's good to be home! it was a great trip but now it's back to the real world of work, laundry, and dishes! (and manually flushing toilets!)