
the heart beats on...

yep, still here, altho apparently my friends are getting fewer and farther between due to my lack of keeping in touch (pardon me for working while i'm at work! ahem, melissa!) but i'm not naming names.

mom came up for the weekend and re-claimed the guest room from "melissa's room" to "mom's room." we went shopping on saturday at the outlet mall in the falls (ny) and target. woot. yay for shopping for my own birthday presents.

just before my mom came on friday night, norm graciously offered to clean the bathroom. well, he scrubbed so hard the tiles came off! well, that's not totally true. the tiles on our bathroom wall were already a bit squishy seeming and we knew it was only a matter of time before they fell off. two of them have now sorta caved in so a lovely black garbage bag has been taped up to cover the hole. super... why did we want to own a house again?

sunday night was the "hopefest" for sierra leone which i sucessfully convinced my mom to stay for. last week work was crazy busy in preparation for the fundraiser/information night. i was up to my eyebrows in pictures, chickens, and packing tape re-vamping our displays. my fingers have permanent stickum on them from all the tape and glue sticks. (and they still look like bad grade school projects but meh, i'm not a miracle worker.) it went well. there was a sierra leonean praise and worship team from toronto, my boss spoke, as well as some others. there were even a lot of sierra leonean people there and lots of sl food for everyone to "try." not really my thing. let's just say, it'd be a wise dieting move for me to go to sl for a few weeks.

now this week is the ovma convention in toronto (ontario veterinary medical association- who knew?) so i'm busy prepping for that. and still trying to catch up on bookkeeping. ergh.

why am i talking about work so much? ick.

tomorrow night is the 3rd (of 4) spiritual healing workshops at my church given by alf davis of agape healing minsitries. it's amazing to say the least. i'm kinda nervous tho because at some point we'll be "practicing" on each other... :S

k, well, my pillow is calling.... buenos noches.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You're mom just can't come and reclaim something I already own. What is that about... honestly. That's probably the real reason you're losing friends. :D

Also, it's 2 days until your birthday, and probably about 80 until our schedules allow us to talk via the telephone for a decent enough time to get everything out there. :D