

i got up early to prepare for battle. ate a hearty breakfast of... nothing and girded myself for... the MALL on a december saturday. so off i went thinking the enemy(ies) would still have too much sleep in their eyes to inflict too much chaos but they were too crafty for my scheme. i found a parking spot with ease, picked up my long lost jewel (wedding ring from mappins- it needed a repair), and b-lined my way to walmart. (dun Dun DUN!) i grabbed the ONE thing i went in for and battled my way through shopping carts and strollers to the checkout, where i found no "express 8 items or less" lane. thoughts of plunder and pillage filled my addled mind but goodness prevailed and i waited...and waited.

a grueling delay, but i persevered perilously on to fortinos. the troops at home (husband and dog) needed nourisment so off i went in search of vittles. brake-less shopping carts, screaming children, frantic cries, (the smell of fresh baked rolls) assaulted my senses as i careened through the store like a drunken old woman behind the wheel of a 1974 cadillac coupe de'ville.

after what seemed like fortnights, i arrived safely back at the barracks where my aforementioned troops were eagerly awaiting my arrival.

justice has prevailed again!

sunday (abridged):
-i helped teach sunday school this morning for the 5 year old class. and... they didn't eat us alive! they were completely adorable! but then again, it was only for 20-30 minutes.
-i made homemade bbq chicken pizza for lunch (with the chipotle beer sauce)
-i finished some christmas stuff
-i made peanut brittle
-we went to see the holiday which is the BEST movie i've seen in a VERY, VERY LONG time. i completely LOVED it. ya know how when you think a movie is going to be amazing, and people tell you it's amazing, then you go and it's not so amazing? well this was nothing like that. it IS amazing! so much so that i'd actually be willing to see it again in the theater and own it. NOW. and that's the end of my commercial. and my weekend.

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