
[@work] little funny foo foos...

boss lady (hereafter referred to as bl): have you seen any cream cheese?
me: uhhh....you lost cream cheese?
bl: i left some on the counter to soften and now i can't find it.
me: no... maybe someone put it back in the fridge?
bl: no, i looked, i can't find it.
me: i dunno...
a couple hours later...
bl: i found it!
me: where!?
bl: in the dessert i made last night.

boss man was showing me something on the computer and i looked down to see something kinda hairy crawling on my arm. (not my arm hair). now i tend to overreact to things like that so i tried to be all cool and collected and not be obvious about it. cuz realistically, it could've been nothing, just a fuzzy or whatever. so i *tried* to nonchalantly brush my arm off but i was kinda freaked. so then it was gone and i was relieved but apparently my nonchalance didn't work. boss man said, "what is the matter with you?" and i turned to look at him and he had a big squished centipede corpse on his arm! i had flung it there in all my "coolness."

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I particularly enjoy the first one!