
who remembers puff paints? anyone...ANYone?

i used to paint everything with that stuff; those cheap $2 canvas sneakers from ames (speaking of obsolete things from the 80's...), tote bags for 4-H, and i remember that one year for my mom's birthday i painted this black t-shirt all over with neon puff paints. like seriously, all over. i don't ever remember her actually wearing it (clever yet cruel). i think i (gasp!) ended up wearing it. it got washed so much that the puff paint was cracking and peeling off. aaah, puff paint.

ps. i did go to the gym today so you can stop harrassing me!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

1. I do remember puff paint.
2. I'm not harrassing you about the gym and have no idea who else you would be talking to. ;)
3. I can't believe you made time to write this blog and didn't make time to play Solitaire Showdown with me. (I'm lucky AMY logged in right after you logged out and SHE wanted to play with me).
4. My cookies taste wonderful.