
plodding pilgrim

so awhile back amanda gave me a copy of annie dillard's pilgrim at tinker creek and i've been trying to read it. not faithfully, i'll admit. i've found it somewhat overwhelming for my brain to take in. it's like a bombardment of imagery, poetry, and wisdom that's beautiful but too much too fast. needless to say, i've been less than encouraged to do any serious reading with it.

so i was reading donald miller's to own a dragon, and he mentions a girl he knew named posie who was reading pilgrim at tinker creek: she "had to read it slowly, she kept it in the top drawer of her desk and pulled it out like secret chocolate, reading a paragraph at a time, then slipping the book back into the desk to meditate...the book was indeed rich and i suspect posie read a mouthful at a time because the mind was not meant to digest so much so fast."

thus, i don't feel like such an a.d.d. case now that i know there are at least some other people who can't just read it right through and i'm encouraged! reading it little by little works out so much better!


Xeryl said...

oh what a tangled web we weave...when we look to Donald Miller to affirm our lack of ADDness...

Just kidding...he's great. Maybe I'll have to borrow that book from you. But be prepared not to get it back for awhile...I've got a lot on the go.

I will be calling you soon!

Melissa said...

I was reading a book like that once... I stopped reading it. Actually I think it was the Grapes of Wrath... I was just really bored by it. I guess I didn't appreciate its literary genius.

j said...

i actually haven't read that book either...but it's on my reading list.