
flash forward...

1) so i saw my life flash forward right before my eyes last night. well 17 years or so at least. nette(the lil' sis-in-law) wanted to go to the movies with two of her friends but some of the parents didn't want them to go unaccompanied. so we were given an all expense paid trip to the movies to act as "chaperones." so there were were driving to the movies with three 14 year olds in the back seat, them chattering away. i swear we were the oldest people in the theater (aka over the age of 16 because the teeny boppers were out in full force). we got the tickets and got them snacks and sat by them in the theater. then after, we drove them all home. i swear, in 17 or so year, i'm sure i'll be doing that very thing... it was weird.

two. i've been thinking that leaving our dog in his crate all day is sorta mean, especially on these hot days. so for the last few days, i've left him loose in the kitchen (blocked from the rest of the house with a baby gate). day one worked decently- he did chew on the coat rack some so on day 2 i took it out of the kitchen. day two was beautiful- nothing out of place. day three...well... this is what i came home to:

he had chewed the lining of my shoe and slipper to bits! it was everywhere! he's almost a year old, shouldn't he be done chewing? i left all his toys for him but no.....needless to say, he'll be in his crate from now on. shoe shopping here i come!

1 comment:

j said...

no one, that's the problem.