
so today i came home to a phone message from my bro telling me to call "as soon as i got home" and i immediately thought, "oh, no, riley." but it wasn't about riley.

apparently my dad was on his way to a doctor's appt this morning and was riding his harley (cuz it was a beautiful spring day). i guess there was an accident at an intersection so my dad was slowing down or stopped, i'm not sure which. anyways, the guy behind him didn't notice and rear-ended my dad. he ended up flipping off the bike, landing on his head, with the bike landing on his leg. the helmet took most of the hit but he ended up breaking the second vertabrae in his neck. other than that, just banged up pretty badly. since the police and ambulance were already there for the other accident, he was attended to really quickly. they took him to the hospital there but when they realized it was a head/neck injury they flew him to rochester. they've put a "halo" on him, which is basically screwed into his head behind his ears and his forehead. so he can't move his neck or anything. my brother said he needs to wear it for 10 weeks!

so i'm going to see him tomorrow, they're planning to discharge him sometime tomorrow but...it seems kinda weird to just be sending him home... my brother said that he's doing good but please pray anyways just for everything. thanks!


Melissa said...

You've got prayer support from the West Coast.

Anonymous said...

oh dear.