
randomness...(naomi, don't read this!)

so i'm at work yesterday in my little basementy office all by my lonesome when i hear this intense rustling sound coming from the laundry room/storage side of the basement. now, if you remember we have had mouse issues before so i thought, super, a giant mouse is scrounging for food.

i ignored it for a long time, but it was getting louder (and kinda freakin me out, but don't tell anybody!) so being the brave, adventurous soul that i am, i decided to have a look. i grabbed a flashlight and a broom then ventured toward the door. opened it slowly... reached for the light...
all quiet... i waited... the noise started again and i determined that it was coming from a metal tube/pipe thing over top of a water heater or gas thingy (i dunno my basement lingo ok?).

i whacked the pipe with my broom and i thought i saw a little nose stick out. i stood there for a bit and watched to see if the mouse came out but it didn't so i got bored, left, and shut the door behind me.

when my boss came back i mentioned that there was a mouse there and she said she'd get a mouse trap later. then she left again.

a while later, i heard the banging again. only LOUDER. so, in i went. this time without the broom and flashlight, cuz seriously, it's a teeny mouse right?

so i'm in there, watching the pipe move around when suddenly a GIANT BLACK HAIRY ARM stretched out of the pipe! now, maybe "giant" isn't the appropriate word, but when you're expecting a teeny little mouse arm and something significantly bigger comes out, it's a little alarming.

my conclusion: it's a squirrel. i considered reaching in and trying to "unstuck" it, but honestly, it'd probably bite my hand off and even if i got it out, what was i going to do with it? it'd probably jump out of my hand and then i'd have a loose squirrel in the house. no, that would not be good. so i left it.

my boss came back and i told her my developing news. so she goes in and whacks on the pipe and this horrible groaning noise came out. something was seriously stuck in that pipe. and it was no little mouse. she decided to wait til her husband came back to get it out.

so this morning i came into work and asked if they'd gotten the squirrel out. the answer i received was "no, but it's quiet now." um...maybe cuz now it's dead....? perhaps? great...

the guy that's doing renovations on the house is coming over later and they said he'd get it out. so i'll let ya know if my squirrel theory is correct or if we've found a really fat mouse. :D


Melissa said...

what happened!!!!

Naomi said...

Wow, thanks for the heads-up! But I must say, squirrels seem ALMOST tolerable compared to the rats I have to deal with here...

Xeryl said...

Haha. I love Asia!