
fly away...

so tomorrow we're off on another hamilton adventure! to holland! me= so excited!

so let's review the dutch words i know:
dats nice hey? (not really dutch)
hazella(ch) (no idea on the spelling on that one or if it's even dutch)

sweet. wonder how far that'll get me...

klompen anyone?

ps. random girl-ness...and i'm sure i've said this before but...why are "female" doctors so purely EVIL??? like for real, you can put someone on the freakin moon but you can't find a better way to tell if there's cancer "down/in there"?? come on... and on that note: have a lovely day! :P


Melissa said...

Don't forget to try paling!! I swear it's not herring, and it's soooo yummy!

Xeryl said...

and...ummm...I don't know what you should do, because i'm not even close to dutch, but I wanted to be in on the conversation, so just picture me doing something weird like I usually do, and then I'll be happy.

Sorry that this comment didn't make any sense. I'll try to do better next time.

j said...

okey doke! talk to you gals when i get back!

Melissa said...

I totally told her to buy klompen! It's my one "regret" from my visit to Holland... I got one hand carved one, but not a real pair!