
i'm still here...

"if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted in pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days." ~annie dillard (pilgrim at tinker creek)

this book is so...full! i think after i've read it through, i'll have to read it again. and again. and again, before even half of what she's saying sinks in! i feel like each paragraph is something that needs to be savored, rolled around on your tongue, and chewed on slowly so that every sweet drop can be enjoyed.

so what's new with me...? not much. last week was pretty rough, i stayed home from work three days because i was sick. and according to my jewish fantasy-novel-writing doctor, i don't have strep throat. so no antibiotics. my boss said, "when you have a cold and take medication, it takes around 7 days before you feel better. if you don't take medicine, it takes about a week." wise man. so yesterday was my first day back at the gym cuz last week i would've been hacking all over the place... and it was rough... so sore...

mom and jj came up this weekend to celebrate his birthday and mother's day (belated). we went to the spaghetti factory in toronto and played mini-golf. it was fun. even tho they both slept in the car, and slept for two hours in the livingroom sunday afternoon...


Melissa said...

Did you actually write/think that second paragraph... it's so eloquent... not that you aren't... its just... I'm impressed.

j said...

yes... didn't get my degree for nothing...or...did i?...

Anonymous said...

i'm SO happy you're enjoying it! i read it in lithuania & it really blew my mind. i have lots of her other books too that you can borrow!