
for melissa...

1. Take the nearest book and look up page 18, line 4. What does it say? "through andrew smith in particular, the members were kept-(fyi it was a copy of Century One: A History of the Ontario Veterinary Association 1874-1974(

2. Reach out your arm as far as you can. What do you touch? my computer monitor

3. What is the latest thing you watched on TV? so you think you can dance (melissa, stop copying my life!)

4. Without looking, guess what time it is. 12:28 Actual time? 12:33

5. Apart from the computer, what else do you hear? my boss eating lunch.

6. When were you last outside, and what did you do?this morning, walked into work.

7. What did you look at before you started answering these questions. melissa's blog

8. What are you wearing? my long khaki shorts and a blue shirt and slippers! (yeah, i'm at work!)

9. Did you dream last night, if you did, then what was the dream about? not that i remember, but norm woke me up in the middle of the night so happy talking about how he had "three kings." i said, are you sleeping? he said, sorta. :D

10. When was the last time you laughed? a few minutes ago when my boss dropped a bunch of files off his desk (i'm so mean)

11. What is on the wall in the room you sit in right now? a canadian poultry calendar, another calendar, the CRWRC calendar(yeah, we like to know what day it is- i actually have another calendar on my desk too)

12. Have you seen anything strange lately? no nothing, everything is normal.

13. What do you think of this challenge? i'll take any diversion from work

14. What movie have you watched most recently? the beginning of pirates of the caribbean

15. If you became a multi-millionaire, what would you buy?melissa...all i want is my melissa! :D

16. Tell something about yourself that others don't know. i wish i was an oscar meyer weiner

17. If you could change ONE thing in the world, without consideration to politics and feelings of guilt, what would it be? i'd get rid of sin, go back to the good ol' nude-y garden of eden days.

18. Do you like dancing? love it, wish i could, wish i did more often

19. George Bush? why can't we just leave the poor boy alone?

20-21.What would you name your children, boy and girl respectively? i don't know, too early to think 'bout those things!

22. Could you consider living abroad? definitely would do it in a heartbeat

23. What would you like God to say to you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? something like, hey there funny girl, i've been waiting for you!

24. Four people you would like to answer these questions? cheryl, caroline, amanda, and YOU!

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