
take my photo off the wall if it just won't sing for you...

1) so i watched the end of "deal or no deal" last night...whoa, is that show intense or what? i'd never seen it before. and i also saw the end of "the apprentice" which i also have never really watched. also quite intense. i can't say that i'm so impressed with "the donald." he seems like a shmuck. (melissa, i know he's your hero but don't hit me!) like all interrupting people and stuff- i think he tries too hard to act tough. and what? like he's never screwed up before or come up with a bad idea or failed at managing some hopelessly ridiculous person? puh-lease.

2) i just ate the last red gummy lifesaver (actually, they're ghetto gummy lifesaver knock-off's called "gummy guy belly buttons." but they're still mad good.) and now all that's left are the yellow and green ones. gross. i tried really hard to eat them evenly to make sure the good ones lasted, but the yellow/green/blue just far outnumbered the red/orange/white. or to put it more simply: the yuckies outnumber the goodies. sigh.

3) every day on my way home from work i drive under powerlines with a pair of sneakers hanging off them. right over the middle of the road. every day they are there and they make me smile. but every day i expect them to be missing. oh the eternal pessimist.

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